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Q2 Product Update - Dozens of New Data Insights & Analytics in the Finix Dashboard

Payments is so much more than transactions. New insights have started rolling out in your dashboard to help your business’s accounting, revenue, operational, and compliance management.

Process payments at the click of a button & more new features

We released a number of new features and functionalities in Q2 2023. Below are the highlights at a glance. Join us for our quarterly product webinar for more information!

From sandbox to production at the click of a button

In the first quarter of 2023, we released a new version of our sandbox. The upgrade permitted users to activate their sandbox on their own and comes fully loaded at near one-to-one parity with a live customer experience for platforms, marketplaces, and individual merchant businesses. In the second quarter, we made it possible to apply for a live production account right in the sandbox. Approvals are swift at Finix, so customers can seamlessly start processing payments with Finix at the click of a button.

Added security and efficiency with immediate bank account validation

This enhancement provides Finix customers the ability to validate and tokenize bank accounts at the same time. Allowing customers to validate new bank accounts when they’re tokenized and used to create payment instruments increases efficiency, helping customers know for certain whether a new bank account is valid before using it with a transaction.

Managing disputes just got a whole lot easier, and faster

With this update to the dispute management section of the dashboard, we not only enabled our customers–but their sub-merchants– to directly upload dispute evidence or concede disputes they don’t want to fight in the dashboard. Any sub-merchants working with Finix's platform customers can now manage their own disputes. The result is empowered merchants, significant operational time savings for merchants and platforms, and overall faster dispute resolution.

Save up to 20 hours per month with self-service payout plans for PayFacs

PayFacs that want more control over the timing of their merchant payouts can now close settlements on-demand with custom payout settings. This enhanced PayFac specific payout option is available on the Finix dashboard and via API. By using this feature, PayFac customers can save up to 20 hours of valuable time per month and more easily configure settlement workflows that support their unique needs.

Dozens of new data points delivered to the Finix Dashboard

The rollout of new insights and analytics to the dashboard makes it easy for Finix customers to get an at-a-glance view of their most important payments data. Complete with new metrics, visual charts and tables, these dashboard enhancements also include upgraded date and variable filtering to help you more easily find the exact insights you’re looking for.

Unified analytics and reporting bring your full payments picture together

Unified analytics and tools help you translate payments data into real impact for your business, including informing and supporting your accounting practices with rich historical data. With this data, you can easily spot positive trends and uncover opportunities to optimize your payments.

The new insights also provide:

  • 40+ new data points on the dashboard homepage and transaction pages–and counting!

  • An at-a-glance view of payments activity and profitability performance overall and for each of your merchants without lifting a finger.

  • New metrics, charts and tables with authorization data

  • A table for platforms to easily view their estimated net profitability per merchant

  • New date and data filters that allow you to analyze data across desired time frames along with new filter variables that help you compare your data in ways you haven’t before

As always, for more information per product release, our developer documentation is available here.

Join us for our quarterly product webinar

Get a tour of Finix's new payment insights data

Our latest product release was based on real customer feedback—you ask, we listen! We incorporated the top requested features and sprinkled in some functionalities that your payments team will love. We look forward to seeing you at the webinar!

At Finix, we’re committed to providing a customer-first experience and creating payment solutions that make managing payments easier, more efficient, and add to your bottom line.