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Dashboard Features Every Payment Operations Team Needs

For payment operations teams, having the wrong toolset in your dashboard is equivalent to flying blind. Choosing the right payments provider can be the difference between a smooth flight and one that requires an emergency landing. And trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of emergency payments “landings”—you don’t want to be on one.

That’s where Finix comes in.

We keep ops teams (aka popstars) in mind when designing and updating our products. Our goal is not to just keep your payments team “in the air,” but to help them keep things running smoothly and at maximum capacity.

The art of managing merchants and your payments business

One of the biggest challenges for payment operations teams is merchant and transaction management. Why? Because most payments companies don’t provide adequate dashboard features. Limited features restrict your team’s ability to create superior customer experiences and grow revenue to its fullest potential.

Must-have dashboard features

If you want your “popstars” to flourish, you’ve got to give them the right tools. Now, buckle up, we’re cleared for takeoff—these are the features every payments dashboard should have.

Payment analytics and transaction visibility

Speaking of flying blind, if your payments dashboard doesn’t provide you with proper data and reports, you can’t see the full picture of your payments business. And without the full picture, you can’t plot the optimal course for growing revenue.

At Finix, we provide you with on-demand reports and at-a-glance snapshots of your payments data right from the dashboard. This means you’ll know all the important details about how your business is doing as soon as you log on—from payouts and settlements to merchant deposits and more.

Here are a few of our reporting features:

Net-profit reports

See all collected fees and how they’re used for interchange and assessments, program fees, and revenue shares. This lets you quickly spot issues and make adjustments “on the fly.”

Transaction interchange reports

This report provides transparent views into payouts and associated fees and total payment processing costs, including interchange and Finix fees.

Fees and fee profile data

Access the fee profiles of all of your onboarded merchants, including fees applied to their transactions. You can also view all fees for a given time period, including a breakdown of pass-through network fees and any program fees charged.

Reconciliation and exception reports

View balance and payout details, failed funding, failed authorizations, failed transactions, and disputes data for yours and your customers’ transactions.

Having deep insight into your payments data and transaction details helps you create custom pricing strategies for your customers and go-to-market plans for your business. It also helps you quickly spot unprofitable merchants and payment instruments. This way, you can come up with plans for improving these aspects of your business.

PCI DSS Compliance management

PCI DSS or Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is the not so fun side of payments—all those pesky rules and regulations. That is, unless you’re a certified payments geek like me, then you’ll find all of that fascinating!

The purpose of PCI DSS is to protect cardholder data and keep personally identifiable information (PII) secure. No business that accepts payments can bypass this.

Falling out of compliance can lead to hefty monthly fines. In the event of a data breach, it can cost you millions in settlements. This makes having a PCI management tool in your payments dashboard a must.

Each year, merchants have to self-attest to being compliant through a self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ). The problem is, this is typically handled by a third party, which creates friction for your merchants.

At Finix, you’re able to send each of your merchants a pre-filled SAQ that they can verify with just a click of a button. This greatly improves their customer experience. It also makes it much easier for you to keep track of your merchants’ compliance status.

Of course, there’s a lot more to compliance than this. For deeper insight, check out our blog Everything You Need to Know About PCI Compliance.

Disputes and chargebacks management

As disputes and chargebacks are an (unfortunate) inevitability for any business, every payments dashboard should have a feature that helps you manage them.

At minimum, you should be able to view your merchants’ pending disputes and chargebacks, as well as wins and losses. This keeps you in the know and helps you identify potential problem merchants.

But if you're like us at Finix, the bare minimum just doesn’t cut it! You should also be able to appeal chargebacks and upload evidence within the dashboard as well. We provide all of this and more—and our team even works with you to help you win!

Quotation mark

I really love the support that Finix provides! I have to say the Finix payment operations team has been wonderful to work with (especially Barb)! We joke that we have a great working relationship even though we’ve never met in person.

Fiona Darmali - Billing Analyst at BEYOND

Your payments provider should also include real-time fraud monitoring. After all, this can help prevent many disputes before they even happen. As a bonus, our fraud tool is included with our product, unlike Stripe and other companies that charge extra for it.

Merchant onboarding forms

Another important dashboard feature is the ability to manage the merchant onboarding process. Many payments providers tend to use third parties for onboarding. This not only creates bad customer experiences but also makes it much harder for you to manage your merchants.

When your payments dashboard includes an onboarding management feature like Finix’s does, you’re able to easily track your merchants’ onboarding status. You can also create new merchant onboarding forms in the dashboard as needed.

To learn more about Finix’s merchant onboarding features, check out our blog Embedded Payments and Frictionless Merchant Onboarding.

White label options

If your payments provider doesn’t let you white label your dashboard or onboarding forms, you’re missing out! This is because your customer experience isn’t seamless and it creates a disconnect between your merchants and your brand.

That’s why the ability to add your own branding to your dashboard and forms makes the list of top features. Not only can you do this in Finix’s dashboard, but no coding is required. You can add your logo, change colors, and create a branded subdomain for your dashboard and onboarding forms in just a few minutes.

With the right payments dashboard features, you can be the hero of your company’s payments business

There you have it! The top features you should look for in a payments dashboard. Want to learn more about how Finix can help take your payments business to the next level? Check out our ebook: Payment Operations: The Unsung Heroes of Revenue Growth.

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