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Reporting and Analytics

Insights and payment analytics at your fingertips

Real-time payment data helps you manage your business efficiently and make more strategic decisions.

Stay up-to-date on your business's payment trends
Use summary data charts to quickly identify areas of strength and opportunity
Profitability metrics help you spot how to optimize your margins
Drill into chargeback trends with dispute insights
See your authorization rates and declines in real-time
View itemized fees at the transaction, merchant, and overall portfolio level

The information you need, when you need it

Get powerful, user-friendly visualizations of real-time payment data right in your dashboard. View your most profitable customers and transactions types, popular payment methods, average transaction sizes, authorization rates, and more. Finix's payment analytics let you drill down data points to maximize revenue and address trends.

Transaction transparency like you've never seen before

We provide you with transaction-level details so you can see every successful, attempted, failed, and pending payment or payout. You can also see who initiated the transaction, which payment instrument was used, and more.

Run your payment strategy with confidence with more than 30 data points per transaction, including per-transaction fees like interchange.

Save time with automated and customizable reporting 

From transactions data to net profitability, to disputes and more, Finix delivers a holistic view of all your most important payment information.

After specific details? Select from dozens of filters to help you find the exact data you need. Custom reports are automatically saved to your dashboard and can be reference any time.

Our reports are also great for collaboration. Export any report from your dashboard to share and analyze with your team.

Quotation mark

Without having a payments background, I would have been lost without an organization like Finix, and hiring a consultant or full-time person to come in and take the lead on our payments initiative would have been risky - so, we de-risked this opportunity by partnering with Finix. 

Kameron Bain

Kameron Bain | Director of Strategy | Beyond Pricing

Start your path to payments ownership today

Create a seamless payment experience that drives customer engagement, using our end-to-end solution.

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