Accept Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Cards

Learn about accepting HSA and FSA cards.

To accept HSA and FSA cards, a special Merchant Category Code (MCCs) must be granted first. These healthcare-related MCCs let card networks know your products and services are directly related to the medical needs of patients.

Accepting HSA or FSA payments does not ensure cards will get processed successfully. Like other transactions, card issuers ultimately decide to authorize or decline a payment.


Only medical service providers can process transactions made with HSA and FSA cards. Retail Stores that sell inventory that can be purchased using HSA or FSA cards can't process HSA/FSA transactions.

If you have any questions regarding eligibility, please reach out to your Finix point of contact or email Finix Support.

Eligible Merchant Category Codes

Merchant Category Code (MCC) Description
4119 Ambulance Services (Dependent on Plan Administrator)
5047 Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies
5975 Hearing Aids - Sales, Service, Supply Stores
7277 Counseling Service - Debt, Marriage, and Personal (Dependent on Plan Administrator)
8011 Doctors and Physicians (not elsewhere classified)
8021 Dentists, Orthodontists
8031 Osteopaths
8041 Chiropractors
8042 Optometrists, Ophthalmologists
8043 Opticians, Optical Goods, and Eyeglasses
8049 Podiatrists and Chiropodists
8050 Nursing and Personal Care Facilities
8062 Hospitals
8071 Medical and Dental Laboratories
8099 Health Practitioners, Medical Services (not elsewhere classified)

Making a Payment with HSA or FSA Cards

Eligible Merchants detail how HSA or FSA cards get charged while creating a sale (also known as a Transfer) or creating an Authorization.

  • Set hsa_fsa_payment to true to charge a Payment Instrument that was created using a Health Savings Account or a Flexible Savings Account.

Creating a Sale with HSA or FSA Cards

curl \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
    -u  USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
    -d '{
        "amount": 950,
        "currency": "USD",
        "hsa_fsa_payment": true,
        "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
        "source": "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
        "tags": {
          "order_number": "21DFASJSAKAS"

A successful response returns 201, the newly created Transfer, and a PENDING response.

  "id" : "TR8bRJ22SBReMehVQMVAbRpr",
  "created_at" : "2022-10-10T06:31:52.37Z",
  "updated_at" : "2022-10-10T06:31:53.12Z",
  "additional_buyer_charges" : null,
  "additional_healthcare_data" : null,
  "address_verification" : null,
  "amount" : 950,
  "amount_requested" : 950,
  "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "currency" : "USD",
  "destination" : null,
  "externally_funded" : "UNKNOWN",
  "failure_code" : null,
  "failure_message" : null,
  "fee" : 0,
  "idempotency_id" : null,
  "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
  "merchant_identity" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
  "messages" : [ ],
  "raw" : null,
  "ready_to_settle_at" : null,
  "security_code_verification" : null,
  "source" : "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
  "state" : "PENDING",
  "statement_descriptor" : "FNX*FINIX FLOWERS",
  "subtype" : "API",
  "tags" : {
    "order_number" : "21DFASJSAKAS"
  "trace_id" : "ea7c2b3e-bef7-45c5-aac3-76c94e25cb65",
  "type" : "DEBIT",
  "_links" : {
    "application" : {
      "href" : ""
    "self" : {
      "href" : ""
    "merchant_identity" : {
      "href" : ""
    "payment_instruments" : {
      "href" : ""
    "reversals" : {
      "href" : ""
    "fees" : {
      "href" : ""
    "disputes" : {
      "href" : ""
    "source" : {
      "href" : ""
    "fee_profile" : {
      "href" : ""

Creating an Authorization with HSA or FSA Cards

curl \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
    -u  USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
    -d '{
        "amount": 950,
        "currency": "USD",
        "hsa_fsa_payment": true,
        "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
        "source": "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
        "tags": {
          "order_number": "21DFASJSAKAS"

A successful response returns 201, an Authorization with state SUCCEEDED.

  "id" : "AUo8BiLgvzZzT41KBB7C8GQo",
  "created_at" : "2022-10-10T06:32:17.04Z",
  "updated_at" : "2022-10-10T06:32:17.30Z",
  "3ds_redirect_url" : null,
  "additional_buyer_charges" : null,
  "additional_healthcare_data" : null,
  "address_verification" : "POSTAL_CODE_AND_STREET_MATCH",
  "amount" : 950,
  "amount_requested" : 950,
  "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "currency" : "USD",
  "expires_at" : "2022-10-17T06:32:17.04Z",
  "failure_code" : null,
  "failure_message" : null,
  "idempotency_id" : null,
  "is_void" : false,
  "merchant" : "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
  "merchant_identity" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
  "messages" : [ ],
  "raw" : null,
  "security_code_verification" : "MATCHED",
  "source" : "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
  "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
  "tags" : {
    "order_number" : "21DFASJSAKAS"
  "trace_id" : "f702ed93-d38d-430d-8924-a09d946e037c",
  "transfer" : null,
  "void_state" : "UNATTEMPTED",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : ""
    "application" : {
      "href" : ""
    "merchant_identity" : {
      "href" : ""