Split Transactions

Learn how to split a transaction across multiple sellers or recipients.

Split Transactions

When processing an online payment or transaction, you can split the funds that get paid out across several different sellers.

Specifically, the funds from Transfers can be split across any number of approved Merchants. Please note:

  • Transfers can only be split between Merchants created under the same Application.
  • Each split_transfer is placed into the Settlement of the split_transfers#merchant.
  • No changes need to be made to your Application or Merchants to enable Split Transactions.

Splitting a Transfer

Finix API

To split a transaction, when creating the Transfer include:

  • The ID of the Merchants that the funds will get split across.
  • The amount to distribute into the Settlements of each Merchant.

The combined amounts in the split_transfers object must be equal to the amount of the Transfer.

In the following example, a $10.00 Transfer is split so:

  • The primary merchant receives $6.00 (before subtracting processing fees)
  • The second merchant receives $3.00 (before subtracting processing fees)
  • The third merchant receives $1.00 (before subtracting processing fees)

Processing fees get deducted when Merchants receive their payouts. For more details, see Payouts.

Please note, the primary merchant is the merchant specified in the parent Transfer request; outside the split_transfers object.

curl 'https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
  -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
  -X POST \
  -d '{
    "amount": 1000,
    "currency": "USD",
    "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
    "source": "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
    "split_transfers": [
        "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
        "amount": 600,
        "tags" : {
            "key" : "value"
        "merchant": "MUeHUEPKybMjqV1STcqrFTSH",
        "amount": 300,
        "fee": 100
        "merchant": "MU3Gh6DT5fCBxVtWB8VJc1St",
        "amount": 100
    "tags": {
      "test": "sale"

Example Response

  "id" : "TR7mf5xW2FwezkGmBPdHXVpi",
  "created_at" : "2023-08-10T21:16:41.57Z",
  "updated_at" : "2023-08-10T21:16:44.11Z",
  "additional_buyer_charges" : null,
  "additional_healthcare_data" : null,
  "address_verification" : null,
  "amount" : 1000,
  "amount_requested" : 1000,
  "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "currency" : "USD",
  "destination" : null,
  "externally_funded" : "UNKNOWN",
  "failure_code" : null,
  "failure_message" : null,
  "fee" : 0,
  "idempotency_id" : null,
  "merchant" : "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
  "merchant_identity" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
  "messages" : [ ],
  "raw" : null,
  "ready_to_settle_at" : null,
  "receipt_last_printed_at" : null,
  "security_code_verification" : null,
  "source" : "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
  "split_transfers" : [ "split_transfer_7nfcfAAuYNMLjHrZqZ1Yi4", "split_transfer_7ng4V9b9wcFqQ6LaUct3HK", "split_transfer_7ng5bY47roz8yzush1MPqe" ],
  "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
  "statement_descriptor" : "FNX*DUNDER MIFFLIN",
  "subtype" : "API",
  "tags" : {
    "test" : "sale"
  "trace_id" : "ab240c39-e71f-4061-aae0-d55edfd9503a",
  "type" : "DEBIT",
  "_links" : {
    "application" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM"
    "self" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TR7mf5xW2FwezkGmBPdHXVpi"
    "merchant_identity" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg"
    "payment_instruments" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TR7mf5xW2FwezkGmBPdHXVpi/payment_instruments"
    "reversals" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TR7mf5xW2FwezkGmBPdHXVpi/reversals"
    "fees" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TR7mf5xW2FwezkGmBPdHXVpi/fees"
    "disputes" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TR7mf5xW2FwezkGmBPdHXVpi/disputes"
    "source" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137"
    "fee_profile" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/fee_profiles/FPvCQUcnsueN3Bc3zR1qCBG8"
HTTP Request

POST https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers

Request Arguments
Field Type Description
amount integer, required The total amount that will be debited in cents (e.g. 100 cents to debit $1.00)
currency string, required 3-letter ISO code designating the currency of the Transfers (e.g. USD)
idempotency_id string, optional A randomly generated value that you want to be associated with the request
merchant string, required ID of the primary Merchant that's processing the Transfer for the buyer.
source string, required ID of the Payment Instrument that will be debited
split_transfers array, required An array of objects you use to detail how the Transfer will get split and the amount Merchants should receive.

The sum of the split_transfer#amounts must be equal to the amount submitted in the Transfer request.
tags object, optional Key value pair for annotating custom metadata (e.g. order numbers)
Request Arguments - Split Transfers Object
Field Type Description
amount integer, required
  • The amount of funds that get split and paid out to the specifiedMerchant.
  • Must be less than or equal to the amount of the Transfer.
  • The sum of the split_transfer#amounts must equal the amount in the parent Transfer.
fee integer, optional The minimum amount of the split_transfer you'd like to collect as your fee in cents. Defaults to zero (must be less than or equal to the amount being split for the specified Merchant).

Please note, for split transaction,fees are only supported when included in the split_transfers object.
merchant string, required The ID of the Merchant that will receive the specified amount under the split_transfers object.

In Split Transfers, the primary Merchants is specified outside the split_transfers object.
tags object, optional Key value pair for annotating custom metadata (e.g. order numbers)

Split Transfers

The split_transfers array returned in the response contains the resource IDs of the split_transfers generated from the Transfer that was split.

Use the ID to review how the transaction was split for the specified Merchant.

curl "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/split_transfers/split_transfer_2mrYGrTdRiWiLLQU1dkMWX" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \
  -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e

Example Response

  "id" : "split_transfer_2mrYGrTdRiWiLLQU1dkMWX",
  "created_at" : "2023-08-08T20:27:49.36Z",
  "updated_at" : "2023-08-08T20:27:49.36Z",
  "amount" : 600,
  "application_id" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "currency" : "USD",
  "fee" : 0,
  "fee_profile_id" : "FPbDSnEPtaT8Nttxj9NJk7eC",
  "identity_id" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
  "merchant_id" : "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
  "parent_transfer_id" : "TR2kKxKDu2nJCvjD2djuDktv",
  "ready_to_settle_at" : "2023-08-08T20:27:50.22Z",
  "tags" : {
    "key" : "value"
  "type" : "DEBIT"

Split Transfer Response

Field Type Description
id string The unique ID of the split_transfer object.
created_at string The date and time the split_transfer was created.
updated_at string The date and time the split_transfer was last updated.
amount string The amount allocated to this Merchant in the split_transfer.
fee integer The minimum amount of the Transfer you'd like to collect as your fee in cents. Defaults to zero (must be less than or equal to the amount in the parent Transfer).
currency string ISO 4217 three-letter currency code for the split_transfer.
parent_transfer_id string ID of the original parent Transfer where the split was defined.
ready_to_settle_at string Timestamp of when the split_transfer is ready to be settled at.
merchant_id string The ID of the Merchant that received the split_transfer.
fee_profile_id string The fee_profile associated to this split_transfer.
application_id string The application_id associated to this split_transfer.
tags object Key value pair for annotating custom metadata (e.g. order numbers).

Finix Dashboard

Split Transactions appear on the Finix Dashboard under Payments.

You can identify Split Transactions using the Payment Type in the Amount column:


Click on the individual entry to review the Split Transaction in detail:


Splitting a Capture

Step 1: Create an Authorization

The first step is to create an Authorization. If you are interested in learning more about Authorizations, you can read our guide here.

curl 'https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/authorizations' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
  -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
  -X POST \
  -d '{
    "amount": 1000,
    "currency": "USD",
    "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
    "source": "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137"

Example Response:

  "id" : "AUirsgFc8drp1LPzNFcxP2r",
  "created_at" : "2024-03-15T20:47:09.60Z",
  "updated_at" : "2024-03-15T20:47:09.60Z",
  "3ds_redirect_url" : null,
  "additional_buyer_charges" : null,
  "additional_healthcare_data" : null,
  "additional_purchase_data" : null,
  "address_verification" : "POSTAL_CODE_AND_STREET_MATCH",
  "amount" : 1000,
  "amount_requested" : 1000,
  "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "currency" : "USD",
  "expires_at" : "2024-03-22T20:47:09.60Z",
  "failure_code" : null,
  "failure_message" : null,
  "idempotency_id" : null,
  "is_void" : false,
  "merchant" : "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
  "merchant_identity" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
  "messages" : [ ],
  "raw" : null,
  "receipt_last_printed_at" : null,
  "security_code_verification" : "MATCHED",
  "source" : "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
  "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
  "tags" : { },
  "trace_id" : "a4f7612f-a09e-4c35-ae92-9a1f44fcd2a7",
  "transfer" : null,
  "void_state" : "UNATTEMPTED",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/authorizations/AUirsgFc8drp1LPzNFcxP2r"
    "application" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM"
    "merchant_identity" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg"

Step 2: Create a Capture

When you capture an Authorization, Finix creates a Transfer resource.

You can capture an Authorization by using the following API. The split_transfers array is optional. If you omit the split_transfer array, the Capture will not be split.

curl 'https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/authorizations/AUirsgFc8drp1LPzNFcxP2r' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
  -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
  -X PUT \
  -d '{
    "capture_amount": 1000,
    "split_transfers": [
        "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
        "amount": 600,
        "tags" : {
            "key" : "value"
        "merchant": "MUeHUEPKybMjqV1STcqrFTSH",
        "amount": 300,
        "fee": 100
        "merchant": "MU3Gh6DT5fCBxVtWB8VJc1St",
        "amount": 100

Example Authorization Response:

  "id" : "AUirsgFc8drp1LPzNFcxP2r",
  "created_at" : "2024-03-15T20:47:09.60Z",
  "updated_at" : "2024-03-15T20:56:38.31Z",
  "3ds_redirect_url" : null,
  "additional_buyer_charges" : null,
  "additional_healthcare_data" : null,
  "additional_purchase_data" : null,
  "address_verification" : "POSTAL_CODE_AND_STREET_MATCH",
  "amount" : 1000,
  "amount_requested" : 1000,
  "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "currency" : "USD",
  "expires_at" : "2024-03-22T20:47:09.60Z",
  "failure_code" : null,
  "failure_message" : null,
  "idempotency_id" : null,
  "is_void" : false,
  "merchant" : "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
  "merchant_identity" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
  "messages" : [ ],
  "raw" : null,
  "receipt_last_printed_at" : null,
  "security_code_verification" : "MATCHED",
  "source" : "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
  "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
  "tags" : { },
  "trace_id" : "a4f7612f-a09e-4c35-ae92-9a1f44fcd2a7",
  "transfer" : "TRs2sPQ9pd8nr4BRprsXy78H",
  "void_state" : "UNATTEMPTED",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/authorizations/AUirsgFc8drp1LPzNFcxP2r"
    "application" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM"
    "transfer" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRs2sPQ9pd8nr4BRprsXy78H"
    "merchant_identity" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg"

The authorization#transfer field returns the Transfer created from the captured Authorization.

Example Transfer Response:

  "id" : "TRs2sPQ9pd8nr4BRprsXy78H",
  "created_at" : "2024-03-15T20:56:38.16Z",
  "updated_at" : "2024-03-15T20:57:00.73Z",
  "additional_buyer_charges" : null,
  "additional_healthcare_data" : null,
  "additional_purchase_data" : null,
  "address_verification" : null,
  "amount" : 1000,
  "amount_requested" : 1000,
  "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "currency" : "USD",
  "destination" : null,
  "externally_funded" : "UNKNOWN",
  "failure_code" : null,
  "failure_message" : null,
  "fee" : 0,
  "idempotency_id" : null,
  "merchant" : "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
  "merchant_identity" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
  "messages" : [ ],
  "parent_transfer" : null,
  "parent_transfer_trace_id" : null,
  "raw" : null,
  "ready_to_settle_at" : "2024-03-15T20:57:00.82Z",
  "receipt_last_printed_at" : null,
  "security_code_verification" : null,
  "source" : "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
  "split_transfers" : [ "split_transfer_hkckq21uy6qWWYzcS2e14r", "split_transfer_hkdqpd4mSGTGbAhsPuFubF", "split_transfer_hkdqFSfgCtWdRcVjwWxfyZ" ],
  "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
  "statement_descriptor" : "FNX*DUNDER MIFFLIN",
  "subtype" : "API",
  "tags" : { },
  "trace_id" : "a4f7612f-a09e-4c35-ae92-9a1f44fcd2a7",
  "type" : "DEBIT",
  "_links" : {
    "application" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM"
    "self" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRs2sPQ9pd8nr4BRprsXy78H"
    "merchant_identity" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg"
    "payment_instruments" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRs2sPQ9pd8nr4BRprsXy78H/payment_instruments"
    "reversals" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRs2sPQ9pd8nr4BRprsXy78H/reversals"
    "fees" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRs2sPQ9pd8nr4BRprsXy78H/fees"
    "disputes" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRs2sPQ9pd8nr4BRprsXy78H/disputes"
    "source" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137"
    "fee_profile" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/fee_profiles/FPvCQUcnsueN3Bc3zR1qCBG8"

Inside the Transfer, the transfers#split_transfers array contains the split_transfers when you captured the Authorization.

Splitting a Transaction to Recipients

You can also split the funds from transactions with individuals, small businesses, or non-commercial entities that don't need a full seller account.

Note: Please reach out to your Finix point of contact or the Finix Support team before creating a recipient Identity.

Step 1: Create an Identity for your Recipient

You can create either a personal or business recipient Identity.

  • Personal Recipient: For personal recipients, first_name , last_name , and personal_address are required when creating a recipient Identity .
  • Business Recipient: For business recipients, business_name , doing_business_as , and business_address are required when creating a business recipient Identity . In addition, we require a control owner with first_name , last_name , and personal_address .
Personal RecipientBusiness Recipient
curl https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
    -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
    -d '{
    "identity_roles" : ["RECIPIENT"],
    "entity": {
      "phone": "7145677613",
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Smith",
      "email": "example@finix.com",
      "personal_address": {
        "city": "San Mateo",
        "country": "USA",
        "region": "CA",
        "line2": "Apartment 7",
        "line1": "741 Douglass St",
        "postal_code": "94114"
    "tags": {
      "key": "value"
curl https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
    -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
    -d '{
    "identity_roles" : ["RECIPIENT"],
    "entity": {
      "business_name" : "ABC Corporation",
      "doing_business_as" : "ABC Corp",
      "business_phone" : "+1 (408) 756-4497",
      "business_address" : {
        "line1" : "123 Main Street",
        "line2" : "Suite 101",
        "city" : "San Francisco",
        "region" : "CA",
        "postal_code" : "94114",
        "country" : "USA"
      "phone": "7145677613",
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Smith",
      "email": "example@finix.com",
      "personal_address": {
        "city": "San Mateo",
        "country": "USA",
        "region": "CA",
        "line2": "Apartment 7",
        "line1": "741 Douglass St",
        "postal_code": "94114"
    "tags": {
      "key": "value"

Example Response

  "id" : "IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe",
  "created_at" : "2024-01-10T18:14:36.37Z",
  "updated_at" : "2024-01-10T18:14:36.37Z",
  "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "entity" : {
    "ach_max_transaction_amount" : 0,
    "amex_mid" : null,
    "annual_card_volume" : 0,
    "business_address" : null,
    "business_name" : null,
    "business_phone" : null,
    "business_tax_id_provided" : false,
    "business_type" : null,
    "default_statement_descriptor" : null,
    "discover_mid" : null,
    "dob" : null,
    "doing_business_as" : null,
    "email" : "example@finix.com",
    "first_name" : "John",
    "has_accepted_credit_cards_previously" : false,
    "incorporation_date" : null,
    "last_name" : "Smith",
    "max_transaction_amount" : 0,
    "mcc" : null,
    "ownership_type" : null,
    "personal_address" : {
      "line1" : "741 Douglass St",
      "line2" : "Apartment 7",
      "city" : "San Mateo",
      "region" : "CA",
      "postal_code" : "94114",
      "country" : "USA"
    "phone" : "7145677613",
    "principal_percentage_ownership" : null,
    "short_business_name" : null,
    "tax_authority" : null,
    "tax_id_provided" : false,
    "title" : null,
    "url" : null
  "identity_roles" : [ "RECIPIENT" ],
  "tags" : {
    "key" : "value"
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe"
    "verifications" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe/verifications"
    "merchants" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe/merchants"
    "settlements" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe/settlements"
    "authorizations" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe/authorizations"
    "transfers" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe/transfers"
    "payment_instruments" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe/payment_instruments"
    "associated_identities" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe/associated_identities"
    "disputes" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe/disputes"
    "application" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM"

Step 2: Add a Bank Account Payment Instrument for each Recipient

Now that we've created an Identity for our recipient, we'll need to create a bank account Payment Instrument using the recipient's card details. When creating Payment Instruments for Payouts, attemptbankaccountvalidationcheck must be set to true.

curl https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
    -u  USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
    -d '
      "account_number": "123123123",
      "account_type": "PERSONAL_CHECKING",
      "bank_code": "123123123",
      "identity": "IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe",
      "name": "John Smith",
      "type": "BANK_ACCOUNT",
      "attempt_bank_account_validation_check": true

Example Response

  "id" : "PIvpu9E241HkGk1ZPQNp78Eu",
  "created_at" : "2024-01-10T18:18:16.14Z",
  "updated_at" : "2024-01-10T18:18:16.14Z",
  "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "created_via" : "API",
  "currency" : "USD",
  "disabled_code" : null,
  "disabled_message" : null,
  "enabled" : true,
  "fingerprint" : "FPRd5moHxL3Ltuvk4cczxetCg",
  "identity" : "IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe",
  "instrument_type" : "BANK_ACCOUNT",
  "account_type" : "PERSONAL_CHECKING",
  "bank_account_validation_check" : "INCONCLUSIVE",
  "bank_code" : "123123123",
  "country" : "USA",
  "institution_number" : null,
  "masked_account_number" : "XXXXX3123",
  "name" : "John Smith",
  "transit_number" : null,
  "tags" : { },
  "type" : "BANK_ACCOUNT",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PIvpu9E241HkGk1ZPQNp78Eu"
    "authorizations" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PIvpu9E241HkGk1ZPQNp78Eu/authorizations"
    "transfers" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PIvpu9E241HkGk1ZPQNp78Eu/transfers"
    "verifications" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PIvpu9E241HkGk1ZPQNp78Eu/verifications"
    "application" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM"
    "identity" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe"

HTTP Request

POST https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments

Request Arguments

Field Type Description
account_number string, required Bank account number
account_type string, required Either CHECKING or SAVINGS
attempt_bank_account_validation_check boolean, required Set to true to request a bank account validation.
bank_code string, required Bank routing number
country string, optional Country code
identity string, required ID for the Identity resource which the account is associated
name string, required Account owner's full name (max 40 characters)
type string, required Type of Payment Instrument (for bank accounts use BANK_ACCOUNT)

Step 3: Provision Recipient

curl https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe/merchants \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
    -u  USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
    -d '
	    "processor": "DUMMY_V1" 

Example Response

  "id" : "MUcRfcGqNQnkZSW9Lb7re9gd",
  "created_at" : "2024-01-10T18:19:13.87Z",
  "updated_at" : "2024-01-10T18:19:13.87Z",
  "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
  "card_cvv_required" : false,
  "card_expiration_date_required" : true,
  "convenience_charges_enabled" : false,
  "country" : "USA",
  "creating_transfer_from_report_enabled" : true,
  "currencies" : [ "USD" ],
  "default_partial_authorization_enabled" : false,
  "disbursements_ach_pull_enabled" : false,
  "disbursements_ach_push_enabled" : false,
  "disbursements_card_pull_enabled" : false,
  "disbursements_card_push_enabled" : false,
  "fee_ready_to_settle_upon" : "RECONCILIATION",
  "gateway" : null,
  "gross_settlement_enabled" : false,
  "identity" : "IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe",
  "level_two_level_three_data_enabled" : false,
  "mcc" : null,
  "merchant_name" : "John Smith",
  "merchant_profile" : "MP82v72JXrRs6JGYe2rqHDw7",
  "mid" : null,
  "onboarding_state" : "PROVISIONING",
  "processing_enabled" : false,
  "processor" : "DUMMY_V1",
  "processor_details" : { },
  "ready_to_settle_upon" : "RECONCILIATION",
  "rent_surcharges_enabled" : false,
  "settlement_enabled" : false,
  "settlement_funding_identifier" : "UNSET",
  "surcharges_enabled" : false,
  "tags" : { },
  "verification" : "VI7nqsnnuFZHWddLSULbqfhj",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/merchants/MUcRfcGqNQnkZSW9Lb7re9gd"
    "identity" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDmu6JXQ3p4KJCygFLq5kFCe"
    "verifications" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/merchants/MUcRfcGqNQnkZSW9Lb7re9gd/verifications"
    "merchant_profile" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/merchant_profiles/MP82v72JXrRs6JGYe2rqHDw7"
    "application" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM"
    "verification" : {
      "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/verifications/VI7nqsnnuFZHWddLSULbqfhj"

HTTP Request

POST https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/:IDENTITY_ID:/merchants

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
:IDENTITY_ID: ID of the Identity

Request Arguments

Field Type Description
processor string, required
    • Use DUMMY_V1 for sandbox tests
      For live transactions, reach out to your Finix point of contact or Finix Support.
  • tags object, optional Key value pair for annotating custom metadata (e.g. order numbers)

    Step 4: Split a Transaction

    Next, when creating the transaction, use the Merchant created from the RECIPIENT Identity in the split_transfers array.

      curl 'https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
      -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
      -X POST \
      -d '{
        "amount": 1050,
        "currency": "USD",
        "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
        "source": "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
        "split_transfers": [
            "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
            "amount": 600,
            "tags" : {
                "key" : "value"
            "merchant": "MUeHUEPKybMjqV1STcqrFTSH",
            "amount": 300,
            "fee": 100
            "merchant": "MU3Gh6DT5fCBxVtWB8VJc1St",
            "amount": 100
            "merchant": "MUcRfcGqNQnkZSW9Lb7re9gd",
            "amount": 50
        "tags": {
          "test": "sale"

    Example Response

      "id" : "TRuVoitEfMbrjATNrA38GXa1",
      "created_at" : "2024-01-10T18:20:21.17Z",
      "updated_at" : "2024-01-10T18:20:23.57Z",
      "additional_buyer_charges" : null,
      "additional_healthcare_data" : null,
      "additional_purchase_data" : null,
      "address_verification" : null,
      "amount" : 1050,
      "amount_requested" : 1050,
      "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
      "currency" : "USD",
      "destination" : null,
      "externally_funded" : "UNKNOWN",
      "failure_code" : null,
      "failure_message" : null,
      "fee" : 0,
      "idempotency_id" : null,
      "merchant" : "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
      "merchant_identity" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
      "messages" : [ ],
      "parent_transfer" : null,
      "parent_transfer_trace_id" : null,
      "raw" : null,
      "ready_to_settle_at" : null,
      "receipt_last_printed_at" : null,
      "security_code_verification" : null,
      "source" : "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
      "split_transfers" : [ "split_transfer_uWvCFiuJ1Hn1hPQwid9qxy", "split_transfer_uWw3LWFeJLHLhuwKZbReEu", "split_transfer_uWw47W6VQUnAFBoAxgMgN3", "split_transfer_uWwnPoWWzyvBLVUea6aaop" ],
      "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
      "statement_descriptor" : "FNX*DUNDER MIFFLIN",
      "subtype" : "API",
      "tags" : {
        "test" : "sale"
      "trace_id" : "52ebe6bd-c08e-4691-91b8-06c25b5df9db",
      "type" : "DEBIT",
      "_links" : {
        "application" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM"
        "self" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRuVoitEfMbrjATNrA38GXa1"
        "merchant_identity" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg"
        "payment_instruments" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRuVoitEfMbrjATNrA38GXa1/payment_instruments"
        "reversals" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRuVoitEfMbrjATNrA38GXa1/reversals"
        "fees" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRuVoitEfMbrjATNrA38GXa1/fees"
        "disputes" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRuVoitEfMbrjATNrA38GXa1/disputes"
        "source" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137"
        "fee_profile" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/fee_profiles/FPvCQUcnsueN3Bc3zR1qCBG8"

    Refunding Split Transactions

    Refund Split Transactions by following the usual steps to refund transactions in Finix. For more information, see Refund.

    When processing a refund, you can split the funds across the Merchants included in the original Transfer so they get paid off across the different sellers.

    Please note, the amount refunded to each seller can't exceed the amount in the parent Transfer.

    curl 'https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TR2kKxKDu2nJCvjD2djuDktv/reversals' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
      -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
      -X POST \
      -d '{
        "refund_amount": 1000,
        "split_transfers": [
            "merchant": "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
            "amount": 600,
            "tags" : {
                "key" : "value"
            "merchant": "MUeHUEPKybMjqV1STcqrFTSH",
            "amount": 300
            "merchant": "MU3Gh6DT5fCBxVtWB8VJc1St",
             "amount": 100
        "tags": {
          "test": "refund"

    Example Response

      "id" : "TR7KSrpZWc9UoB6bcxqYu978",
      "created_at" : "2023-08-08T20:29:14.88Z",
      "updated_at" : "2023-08-08T20:29:14.98Z",
      "additional_buyer_charges" : null,
      "additional_healthcare_data" : null,
      "address_verification" : null,
      "amount" : 1000,
      "amount_requested" : 1000,
      "application" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
      "currency" : "USD",
      "destination" : "PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137",
      "externally_funded" : "UNKNOWN",
      "failure_code" : null,
      "failure_message" : null,
      "fee" : 0,
      "idempotency_id" : null,
      "merchant" : "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
      "merchant_identity" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
      "messages" : [ ],
      "raw" : null,
      "ready_to_settle_at" : null,
      "receipt_last_printed_at" : null,
      "security_code_verification" : null,
      "source" : null,
      "split_transfers" : [ "split_transfer_8DUfRhXpZDiM6rZcyfNGGD", "split_transfer_8DUgkBtytEtSPQKKCCmG3m", "split_transfer_8DUgvBbUwJiN2pWw6P4cMH" ],
      "state" : "PENDING",
      "statement_descriptor" : "FNX*DUNDER MIFFLIN",
      "subtype" : "API",
      "tags" : {
        "test" : "refund"
      "trace_id" : "dfc18365-d862-46e0-8acb-9c290a1aed7b",
      "type" : "REVERSAL",
      "_links" : {
        "application" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM"
        "self" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TR7KSrpZWc9UoB6bcxqYu978"
        "parent" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TR2kKxKDu2nJCvjD2djuDktv"
        "destination" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137"
        "merchant_identity" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg"
        "payment_instruments" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TR7KSrpZWc9UoB6bcxqYu978/payment_instruments"
        "fee_profile" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/fee_profiles/FPvCQUcnsueN3Bc3zR1qCBG8"

    Example Response

      "id" : "split_transfer_8DUfRhXpZDiM6rZcyfNGGD",
      "created_at" : "2023-08-08T20:29:15.08Z",
      "updated_at" : "2023-08-08T20:29:15.08Z",
      "amount" : 600,
      "application_id" : "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
      "currency" : "USD",
      "fee" : 0,
      "fee_profile_id" : "FPbDSnEPtaT8Nttxj9NJk7eC",
      "identity_id" : "IDuqZpDw28f2KK6YuDk4jNLg",
      "merchant_id" : "MUeDVrf2ahuKc9Eg5TeZugvs",
      "parent_transfer_id" : "TR7KSrpZWc9UoB6bcxqYu978",
      "ready_to_settle_at" : null,
      "tags" : {
        "key" : "value"
      "type" : "CREDIT"

    Settlements and Payouts

    Every split_transfer gets placed into a Settlement. Merchants get paid out when Settlements are approved. For more information, see our Platform Payments guide on Payouts.

    Settlement Entries

    To query all the transactions for a specific settlement, use the following API:

     curl "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/settlements/STivxR2KrnVdD75TQtitnsG8/entries" \
      -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \
      -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e

    Example Response:

      "_embedded" : {
        "settlement_entries" : [ {
          "id" : "SEix6ptbScYkWFN1id25KbN5",
          "created_at" : "2022-08-12T21:41:42.36Z",
          "updated_at" : "2022-08-12T21:41:42.36Z",
          "amount" : 100,
          "currency" : "USD",
          "entity_id" : "TR8yiKY6ju988aUZhfqJFjag",
          "entity_type" : "TRANSFER",
          "should_fund" : true,
          "subtype" : "FEE",
          "_links" : {
            "self" : {
              "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/STivxR2KrnVdD75TQtitnsG8/entries/SEix6ptbScYkWFN1id25KbN5"
            "entries" : {
              "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/settlement_engine/settlement/STivxR2KrnVdD75TQtitnsG8"
        }, {
          "id" : "SEiwmJxC3u8gfPuLiwMSrn1a",
          "created_at" : "2022-08-12T21:41:42.18Z",
          "updated_at" : "2022-08-12T21:41:42.18Z",
          "amount" : 2,
          "currency" : "USD",
          "entity_id" : "TRwgubpxAJWbaDZE1kKP6SSi",
          "entity_type" : "TRANSFER",
          "should_fund" : true,
          "subtype" : "FEE",
          "_links" : {
            "self" : {
              "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/STivxR2KrnVdD75TQtitnsG8/entries/SEiwmJxC3u8gfPuLiwMSrn1a"
            "entries" : {
              "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/settlement_engine/settlement/STivxR2KrnVdD75TQtitnsG8"
        }, {
          "id" : "SEivAwLLW6c62Nbvvj7TcDAN",
          "created_at" : "2022-08-12T21:41:41.99Z",
          "updated_at" : "2022-08-12T21:41:41.99Z",
          "amount" : 100,
          "currency" : "USD",
          "entity_id" : "TRm9ppvqX43CbwmNzhckf2gb",
          "entity_type" : "TRANSFER",
          "should_fund" : true,
          "subtype" : "DEBIT",
          "_links" : {
            "self" : {
              "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/STivxR2KrnVdD75TQtitnsG8/entries/SEivAwLLW6c62Nbvvj7TcDAN"
            "entries" : {
              "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/settlement_engine/settlement/STivxR2KrnVdD75TQtitnsG8"
        } ]
      "_links" : {
        "self" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/settlements/STivxR2KrnVdD75TQtitnsG8/entries"
        "next" : {
          "href" : "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/settlements/STivxR2KrnVdD75TQtitnsG8/entries?after_cursor=SEivAwLLW6c62Nbvvj7TcDAN"
      "page" : {
        "limit" : 100,
        "next_cursor" : "SEivAwLLW6c62Nbvvj7TcDAN"


    Field Type Description
    id string, ID of the Settlement Entry
    amount integer Amount of the Entry
    attempt_bank_account_validation_check boolean, required Set to true to request a bank account validation.
    currency string Currenncy of the Entry
    entity_id string ID of the entity. For example, this can be the id of a Transfer or Split Transfer.
    should_fund boolean Whether this entry will get paid out as part of the funding_transfer calculations.
    entity_type string Type of Entity. Values include TRANSFER, SPLIT_TRANSFER, CUSTOM_FEE.
    sub_type string Subtype of the Entity. Values include DEBIT, CREDIT, CUSTOM, FEE, REVERSAL, ADJUSTMENT, and DISPUTE.


    Processing fees for split transactions get created according to:

    • The fee profile created for the Merchant. For more details, see Fee Profiles .
    • Any fees included in split_transfer#fee when the initial Transfer was first created. For more information, see Create a Transfer.
    • If charge_interchange is enabled in the seller's fee_profile, they’ll be charged interchange for the full transaction amount.


    If a buyer disputes a transaction split across multiple sellers, a Dispute only gets created for the primary Merchant.

    For more information, see Disputes.