Support at Finix

Learn how to receive support from Finix.

Our Support team is made up of technical engineers, product experts, payment experts, problem solvers, and customer advocates that all care about your experience and business.

How do I Contact Finix Support?

Email for basic inquiries and general support.

Provide a clear description of the issue in the email's subject line and include as many details as possible (links, pictures, videos, code snippets, etc.).

Currently, we don’t offer phone support. However if you'd prefer to speak over the phone, include your phone number and what times work best in your email to

We'll give you a callback during your availability to provide support.

What Can Finix Support Help With?

Finix's support team is available to answer any questions related to Finix products and services. If you're unsure about something in regards to Finix, feel free to reach out and we'll make sure you receive a response and assistance in a timely manner.

For business-related inquiries, like questions about your contract, reach out to your Finix point of contact or customer success manager.

Please note that Finix Support does not:

  • Share sensitive financial and customer information.
  • Support inquiries that are based outside of our product and services.