Accepting Payment Details

Learn how to securely collect payment details for your buyers and sellers.

Tokenization is the process of encrypting your buyer's and seller's sensitive data into a non-sensitive equivalent. To pass off the burden of PCI DSS compliance, you can use Tokenization Forms to collect and tokenize the details of your buyers and sellers.

Finix is certified as a Level 1 PCI DSS compliant Service Provider. This is the most stringent level of security certification available in the payments ecosystem.

Available Tokenization Options

Tokenization Forms

Use our Tokenization Form to collect and tokenize the payment details of buyers. Our Tokenization Form offers a low-code solution to easily take in credit card and bank data and tokenize in a PCI compliant way.

Finix's Tokenization Forms, includes functionality to:

  • Show and hide specific fields
  • Customize labels and placeholders
  • Modify error messages to match your writing style
  • Control input styling within and outside of the Tokenization Form
  • Accept both and ACH in the same form
Here's a react example of our cardTokenForm:

Mobile Tokenization Forms

We offer iOS and Android SDKs to tokenize card details. Our Mobile Tokenization SDKs make it simple to accept payments inside any app.

Use the tools in our Mobile SDKs to tokenize payment cards and we'll store the encrypted card number in our vault.

Next Steps

We strongly recommend using Tokenization Forms to collect the details of your buyers and sellers for payments processed through the Finix API, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. However, if you have a Level 1 PCI complaint card data environment (CDE) you don't have to use the forms offered by Finix and can create your own form or flow to collect buyer details.