Troubleshooting and Testing Your Integration

Learn how to test your integration to confirm failures get triggered correctly.

Testing Transactions

Before taking your integration live, use the information below to test it thoroughly on the DUMMY_V1 processor.

Testing ACH Returns

Use the following bank details to trigger the respective ACH Return Code.

For more information about the different ACH Return Codes, see ACH Direct Debit.

ACH Return Code Failure Code Failure Message Bank Details
R01: Insufficient Funds INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS The account has insufficient funds for the transaction. The account holder needs to use a new form of payment. Bank Code: 122105278

Account Number: 123120006
R02: Account is Closed BANK_ACCOUNT_CLOSED The bank account has been closed. The bank account owner should use an active bank account. Bank Code: 122105278

Account Number: 123120007
R03: No account on file NO_BANK_ACCOUNT_FOUND The account number structure is valid; however, the number does not correspond to the account holder or it's not an open account. The account holder should create a new bank account with the correct details. Bank Code: 122105278

Account Number: 123120008
R04: Invalid Account Number INVALID_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER The account number structure is valid; however, the number does not correspond to the account holder or it's not an open account. The account holder should create a new bank account with the correct details. Bank Code: 122105278

Account Number: 123120009
  • The Merchant#ready_to_settle_upon must be PROCESSOR_WINDOW or RECONCILIATION . Currently, SUCCESSFUL_CAPTURE is not supported.
  • The failure_code and failure_message is populated on the original Transfer resource.
  • The tags of the new return Transfer that's created includes the ACH Return Code and failure_message associated with the return.

Testing Account Updater

Account Update Type Brand Initial card number Initial expiration (M/Y) New number New expiration (M/Y)
CLOSED_CARD Visa 4402087389579601 1/2030 - -
CONTACT_CARDHOLDER Visa 4349990631704016 1/2030 - -
EXPIRATION_UPDATED Visa 4208862673740549 1/2030 4307730606824385 1/2040
FRAUD_REPORTED American Express 340452801563455 1/2030 - -
INACTIVE_MERCHANT American Express 3403470175812488 1/2030 - -
NO_TRANSACTIONAL_ACTIVITY American Express 3019542985188444 1/2030 - -
NOT_FOUND Visa 4543267787982264 1/2030 - -
NUMBER_AND_EXPIRATION_UPDATED Visa 4496772882855767 1/2030 4887005601746919 3/2040
NUMBER_AND_EXPIRATION_UPDATED Mastercard 5103504002919260 1/2030 5213076676875406 11/2040
NUMBER_AND_EXPIRATION_UPDATED American Express 3883494643244974 1/2030 3969967933006770 08/2040
NUMBER_AND_EXPIRATION_UPDATED Discover 6588849539088200 1/2030 6011174500160749 12/2040
NUMBER_AND_EXPIRATION_UPDATED Visa 4496772882855767 1/2030 4887005601746919 3/2040
NUMBER_UPDATED Visa 4036161292637501 1/2030 4649777215746100 4/2040

Testing AVS/CVV

Pass the following amount to trigger the respective payment failure. Note, once a Payment Instrument has been flagged with an AVS or CVC failure, it will continue to throw that respective error.

Amount Description
102 Declined amount
103 Canceled amount
888888 Disputed amount
193 Insufficient funds amount
194 Invalid card number amount
889986 AVS total failure amount
889987 CVC failure amount

Testing Bank Account Validations

Bank Account Validation Check Bank Code Account Number
VALID 122105278 0000000016
INVALID 122105278 0000000005
INCONCLUSIVE 121000358 123123128

Testing Card Type

Use the following card numbers to trigger the respective card_type. For more information about the different card_types, see Payment Instrument.

Card Type Card Number Brand
CREDIT 6011000000004675 Discover
DEBIT 5200820000007201 Mastercard
GENERIC_DECLINE 6011111111111117 Discover
HSA_FSA 4393420000002680 Visa
NON_RELOADABLE_PREPAID 5223100000008423 Mastercard
RELOADABLE_PREPAID 379032000006086 American Express
UNKNOWN 386214000009097 Discover

Testing Failure Codes

For more information about the different ACH Return Codes, see ACH Direct Debit. Please note, it can take up to 15 minutes for the ACH Return to generate.

Failure Code Card Number Brand
GENERIC_DECLINE 4000000000009979 Visa
GENERIC_DECLINE 378282246310005 American Express
GENERIC_DECLINE 5555555555554444 Mastercard
GENERIC_DECLINE 6011111111111117 Discover
CALL_ISSUER 4012888888881881 Visa
DO_NOT_HONOR 4000000000000002 Visa
EXCEEDS_APPROVAL_LIMIT 4000000000009995 Visa
EXPIRED_CARD 4000000000009987 Visa
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS 4000000000000069 Visa
INVALID_CVV 4000056655665556 Visa
LOST_OR_STOLEN_CARD 4000000000000127 Visa
PICK_UP_CARD 4000000000000119 Visa
RESTRICTED_CARD 4242424242424242 Visa

Testing Refunds

Use the following card number to test refunds. For more information about processing refunds, see Refunding Payments.

State Card Number Brand
FAILED 4000000000000135 Visa

Testing Push-to-Card

Cards for testing a Push-to-Card payout.

Scenario Card number Brand Region Country Code
Successful push to a Visa (debit card) 4895142232120006 Visa CA USA N/A
Successful push to a Visa (credit card) 4957030420210454 Visa CA USA N/A
Successful push to a Mastercard (debit card) 5123280115058611 Mastercard CA USA N/A
Invalid account number 4957030420210504 Visa CA USA INVALID_INSTRUMENT
Exceeds approval amount limit 4957030420210488 Visa CA USA EXCEEDS_ISSUER_AMOUNT_LIMIT
Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit 4957030420210496 Visa CA USA EXCEEDS_ISSUER_COUNT_LIMIT
Refer to card issuer 4895070000007685 Visa CA USA CALL_ISSUER
Do not honor 4895070000006687 Visa CA USA DECLINE
Lost card, pick up (fraud account) 4895070000005671 Visa CA USA LOST_OR_STOLEN_CARD
Suspected fraud 4895070000004674 Visa CA USA SUSPECTED_FRAUD
Transaction does not fulfill AML requirement 4895070000003551 Visa CA USA COMPLIANCE_VIOLATION

Testing Push-to-Card Verifications

Scenario Card number Brand fast_funds_indicator push_funds_block_indicator card_type_code card_issuer_country_code
Issuer does participate in fast funds for only domestic transactions 4815070000000018 Visa D C D 840
Issuer does participate in fast funds for all transactions 4835070000000014 Visa B C D 840
Issuer does not participate in fast funds 4855070000000035 Visa N C D 840
Issuer does participate in fast funds and Push-to-Card 4895047700003297 Visa B B C 840