Managing Your Sellers and Payouts

Learn to manage how your sellers get paid.

A Settlement contains the transactions and money movements sellers process. These Settlements include payments, refunds, adjustments, and fees.

When a Settlement is approved, a Funding Transfer gets created to deliver the merchant's payout. For more details about Settlements and payouts, see Collecting Payouts.

Payout Schedule

Your seller receives payouts depending on their payout schedule. Finix offers several different schedules to manage payouts.

The Payout Schedules available include:

DailySettlements become ready for approval every business day.
MonthlySettlements become ready for approval monthly.
Manual(Finix Core only) Settlements become ready for approval manually on an on-demand basis.
Please note that Finix Flex does not support Manual Settlements.

Finix Dashboard - Settlement Schedule

For any additional questions, please contact the Finix Support team.

Payout Type

Finix offers two ways to configure payouts:

NetFees get deducted from the payouts to your sellers. Deposits and fees get combined into one Funding Transfer.
GrossDeposits and fees get distributed into two separate Funding Transfers.


Net Payouts

If you had $1000 in Payment and $30 in Fees, your seller would receive a payout of $970 to their payout bank account.


Gross Payouts

If you had a $1000 Payment and $30 in Fees, your seller would receive two payouts. The first would be a $1000 credit to the seller's bank account. The second would be a debit of $30 to the seller's other bank account.

Using Finix, you can manage what bank accounts get used for your sellers' payouts. This includes which bank accounts you use for payouts and fees.

Payout Speed

Finix uses Next Day ACH to payout your sellers.

Next Day ACH is offered by default to Finix Flex customers. Through Next Day ACH, funds from payouts are available in sellers bank accounts the business day after the settlement is approved.

If you have any questions about the delivery of payouts, please reach out to your Finix point of contact or the Finix Support team.


Three options are available to control when Transfers appear in Settlements and are ready to settle:
ReconcilationTransfers appear in Settlements only when Finix recieves the Confirmation Settlment file from the processor detailing that the Transfer has been settled.
Processor WindowTransfers are added to Settlements based on the estimated settlement window provided by the processor.
Successful CaptureFinix places Transfers in Settlements immediately when the status changes to SUCCEEDED.

Negative Payouts

In some cases, your sellers can have a negative balance.

For example, if the seller receives $200 but refunds $300, their account balance would be -$100.

If the seller doesn't receive further payments or process transactions to balance out the negative amount, Finix creates a Funding Transfer that debits the seller's bank account.

Managing Payouts with the Dashboard

To manage the Payout Settings of a seller:

  1. Open the Merchant Account of the seller.
  2. Click the Payout Settings tab.
Finix Dashboard - Merchant Accounts

To change Payout Settings, click Edit:

Finix Dashboard - Payout Settings

If you run into any issues changing payout settings, please don't hesitate to contact the Finix Support team.

Managing Payouts with the API

To manage the Payout Settings of a seller using our APIs, use the Payout Profile resource.

Fetch a Payout Profile

To fetch a Payout Profile use the following GET request.
curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -u USoCkJMXiLdQfB6EmzBLSpJf:11a3d46d-e299-4835-bb0e-c2c759993689

Example Response

  "id" : "POeMLHvNuQRUo3rmWgbYUHxZ",
  "created_at" : "2023-01-11T02:34:13.48Z",
  "updated_at" : "2023-01-11T02:34:13.48Z",
  "linked_id" : "MUjhg6KvrfFU4SNRHF5Z68q5",
  "linked_type" : "MERCHANT",
  "net" : {
    "frequency" : "DAILY",
    "payment_instrument_id" : "PIu47vyWTg6MpWAny4wihRef",
    "rail" : "NEXT_DAY_ACH",
    "submission_delay_days" : 0
  "tags" : { },
  "type" : "NET",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : ""

Changing a Payout Profile

To update the payout profile of a seller, update the Payout Profile resource associated with the seller's Merchant.
curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -u USoCkJMXiLdQfB6EmzBLSpJf:11a3d46d-e299-4835-bb0e-c2c759993689 \
  -X PUT \
  -d '
    "type": "GROSS",
    "gross": {
      "payouts": {
        "frequency": "DAILY",
        "submission_delay_days": "1",
        "payment_instrument_id": "PIu47vyWTg6MpWAny4wihRef",
        "rail": "NEXT_DAY_ACH"
      "fees": {
        "frequency": "MONTHLY",
        "day_of_month": "1",
        "submission_delay_days": "3",
        "payment_instrument_id": "PIu47vyWTg6MpWAny4wihRef",
        "rail": "NEXT_DAY_ACH"