Platform Residuals

As a Platform, Finix allow you to easilly monetize payments and collect a residual from your merchants.

Residuals Overview

Finix has two types of billing:

  • Merchant Fees : Fees used to bill your merchants for transaction costs on Finix. These can be set using the Fee Profile or passed in dynamically on transactions.
  • Finix Costs : Costs for using the Finix system for Acquiring. These are associated with your legal agreement with Finix.

Calculating Residuals

Finix calculates residuals with a simple equation:

Merchant Fees - Finix Costs = Residuals

Depending on your agreement with Finix, there may be a Revenue Share. If that's the case, you will only keep the portion of the Residuals specified in your agreement.

Viewing your Costs Profile

Platforms on Finix are assigned a Cost Profile that detail the rates assigned to them.

To View your Cost Profile:

  1. Log into the Finix Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Company
  3. Navigate to the Company Financials Tab
  4. Select Cost Profile

Your Cost Profile will match the rates entered in your Finix Master Service Agreement (MSA) and Order Form.

Cost Profile

Note: Note: If your customer are on a legacy processor, you will not be able to see your Cost Profiles. Please reach out to your Customer Delivery Manager for more information.

Viewing Costs

Similar to Fees, you will be able to view Costs on different resources. When viewing a payment, you will be able to view Fees and Costs to give you a better perspective on different payments.

Viewing Costs

Viewing Billing Settlements

Finix generates Residuals monthly. These residuals are based on the previous equation of:

Merchant Fees - Finix Costs = Residuals

Billing Settlements

Additional Notes:

  • Residuals may be negative if your Merchant Fees are not high enough to cover the Finix Costs .
  • Certain contracts with Finix have a Rev Share split that needs to be taken into account

Income Statement

When you click into a Billing Settlement, you'll be able to see an aggregate of both Fees and Costs. You can expand and collapse the different sections to view the aggregations for both Fees and Costs.

Cost Income Statement

Downloading Reports

At the bottom of the the Billing Settlement, there will be a section to download reports related to this Billing Settlement.

We offer three reports:

  • Fee Detail Report: This report provides an export of all the Fees associated with this billing statement. Many find this report helpful to create pivot tables and analyze by various columns.
  • Costs Detail Report: This report provides an export of all the Costs associated with this billing statement. Many find this report helpful to create pivot tables and analyze by various columns.
  • Residual by Merchant: This report provides a breakdown of residuals by merchants. NOTE: This report may not contain all the Costs in the previous reports. There are a number of costs that are currently not able to passed onto merchants.

Receiving your Residual

Residuals are normally paid out within 30 days of the billing settlement being created. Residuals will be paid out using Billing Transfers which will be viewable in your Biling Settlement.

Note: There may be situations where a residual is not paid out if money is owed or if losses occur due to an inability to collect fees from a merchant in your portfolio.