Migrating from Square to Finix

Learn how to migrate your data from Square to Finix.

In this article, we'll guide you through exporting payment and buyer data from Square and importing it into Finix, ensuring a smooth transition that minimizes disruptions to your customers and business operations.

For more technical details, see Migrating Data to Finix.

Step 1: Preparing your data

When migrating from Square to Finix, you should focus on aggregating and exporting your payment data to send to Finix.

Payment data is the secured payment details of your buyers, also called Primary Account Number data (or PAN data for short). This includes secured credit and debit card details, bank account numbers, expiration dates, CVV, security codes, and other payment details saved for your buyers on Square.

To prepare your data for migration, start by reviewing the details of your buyers in Square's dashboard on the Customers page and verify all their information is accurate.

Platforms and marketplaces

Platforms and marketplaces will also need to export their customer data.

Customer data also includes the details of your sellers, like name(s), email address(es), physical address, and merchant category code (MCC).

Migrating this data will help ensure there are no issues migrating sellers. If you have any questions about sellers or what information to export, reach out to the Finix Support team or your Finix point of contact.

Step 2: Contact Finix

When you're ready to begin migrating your payment data from Square, contact your Finix point of contact or the Finix Support Team to notify us.

Once we receive your migration request, Finix will begin technical preparations.

Step 3: Export data from Square

Reach out to Square Support with the details of your Square account and let them know you'd like to migrate the payment data of your buyers.

Be sure to:

  • Explicitly state you're seeking to export payment data with the intention of migrating off of Square and over to Finix.
  • Include your Finix point of contact or Finix support on your request.

Including Finix will help give our team permission to start working on the migration with Square. For more details, see the following Square article: Export Card on File to Third Party Payment Processors.

Platforms and marketplaces

Use the Customers page in Square's dashboard or the Customer API resource to export the details of your sellers.

Square dashboard

You can export the details of your sellers directly from the Customers section of the Square dashboard.

For details on how to export data using the Square dashboard, see Export customer data without the payment details.

Customer API resource

You can also work with your developers to export seller data using Square's API and their Customer resource.For details on how to export seller data using Square's API and the Customer resource, see the following from Square's API reference: Migrate sensitive payments data.

Step 4: Finix imports data

Once you've submitted the migration request to Square, Finix will work with Square to ingest the necessary payment data and create Payment Instruments and Identities from the PAN data for your buyers.

Specifically, when Finix receives the PAN data from Square:

  • We'll begin decrypting the sensitive payment data in a PCI-compliant environment.
  • Once decrypted, the team will begin working with you to import the sensitive payment data into your Finix account and help you create Payment Instruments and Identity accounts for your buyers.

Square may request your permission to release your data to Finix. However, once granted permission, Finix can facilitate the necessary processes with Square to import the data into your Finix account.

Step 5: Verify migrated data

With Payment Instruments created, you can begin charging your buyers and work with your developers to build your payment experience with Finix.

If you run into any issues with recreating business logic, please feel free to reach out to your Finix point of contact or email the Finix Support team at anytime!

See Integration Checklist for the requirements that are needed to process live transactions.

Platforms and Marketplaces

To migrate Square sellers to Finix, since you've switched payment processors, they'll first need to complete and agree to Finix's Onboarding Form.

Step 6: Onboard sellers

Onboarding Forms create a Merchant account for your sellers so they can begin processing payments. Sellers can start processing payments once they complete an Onboarding Form and receive approval.

Use the customer data you've exported from Square to create onboarding links for your sellers. You can then forward these links to sellers to complete the Onboarding Form.


If you run into any issues with onboarding sellers, please feel free to reach out to your Finix point of contact or email the Finix Support team at anytime!

We recommend working with your developers to programmatically create Onboarding Forms and send them out to sellers:

See Platform Checklist for the requirements to process live transactions as a platform or marketplace.