GET /disputes
GET /disputes/{id}
POST /disputes/{id}/evidence
GET /disputes/{id}/evidence
GET /disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence/{evidence_id}
GET /disputes/{dispute_id}/adjustment_transfers
, also known as chargebacks, represent any customer-disputed charges. A core part of the dispute lifecycle is the ability for a Merchant
to upload Dispute
evidence that supports their side of the Dispute
Related Guides: Managing Disputes
Retrieve a list of Disputes
For details on how to query endpoints using the available parameters, see Query Parameters.
List of Disputes
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Not Acceptable
curl "" \ -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \ -u USfdccsr1Z5iVbXDyYt7hjZZ:313636f3-fac2-45a7-bff7-a334b93e7bda
{- "_embedded": {
- "disputes": [
- {
- "id": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "created_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:33.63Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-10T13:17:32.08Z",
- "action": null,
- "amount": 888888,
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute_details": {
- "arn": "123"
}, - "evidence_submitted": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "message": null,
- "occurred_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:32.99Z",
- "reason": "FRAUD",
- "respond_by": "2023-12-01T13:04:33.60Z",
- "response_state": "ACCEPTED",
- "state": "PENDING",
- "tags": { },
- "transfer": "TRm2U5wQo5S2UBdVJo4xVeh",
- "_links": {
- "application": {
}, - "evidence": {
}, - "adjustment_transfers": {
}, - {
- "id": "DI62ASQdJEMCNeNGkdC2ErHu",
- "created_at": "2023-11-24T12:55:42.89Z",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-24T12:55:42.25Z",
- "action": null,
- "amount": 888888,
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute_details": {
- "arn": "123"
}, - "evidence_submitted": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "message": null,
- "occurred_at": "2023-11-24T12:55:41.99Z",
- "reason": "FRAUD",
- "respond_by": "2023-12-01T12:55:42.84Z",
- "response_state": "NEEDS_RESPONSE",
- "state": "PENDING",
- "tags": { },
- "transfer": "TRqubC2Kkq9w9nLft9iW4eP3",
- "_links": {
- "application": {
}, - "evidence": {
}, - "adjustment_transfers": {
}, - "_links": {
}, - "page": {
- "limit": 100,
- "next_cursor": "DIs7yQRkHDdMYhurzYz72SFk"
Retrieve the details of a previously created Dispute
Single Dispute object
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
curl "" \ -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \ -u USfdccsr1Z5iVbXDyYt7hjZZ:313636f3-fac2-45a7-bff7-a334b93e7bda
{- "id": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "created_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:33.63Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-10T13:17:32.08Z",
- "action": null,
- "amount": 888888,
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute_details": {
- "arn": "123"
}, - "evidence_submitted": "CHARGEBACK",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "message": null,
- "occurred_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:32.99Z",
- "reason": "FRAUD",
- "respond_by": "2023-12-01T13:04:33.60Z",
- "response_state": "ACCEPTED",
- "state": "WON",
- "tags": { },
- "transfer": "TRm2U5wQo5S2UBdVJo4xVeh",
- "_links": {
- "application": {
}, - "evidence": {
}, - "adjustment_transfers": {
Update tags
on Disputes
Finix-Version | string Default: 2018-01-01 Specify the API version of your request. For more details, see Versioning. Example: 2022-02-01 |
required | object or null Include up to 50
Single Dispute object
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
{- "id": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "created_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:33.63Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-10T13:17:32.08Z",
- "action": null,
- "amount": 888888,
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute_details": {
- "arn": "123"
}, - "evidence_submitted": "CHARGEBACK",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "message": null,
- "occurred_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:32.99Z",
- "reason": "FRAUD",
- "respond_by": "2023-12-01T13:04:33.60Z",
- "response_state": "ACCEPTED",
- "state": "WON",
- "tags": {
- "order_number": "41BFASJSAKAS"
}, - "transfer": "TRm2U5wQo5S2UBdVJo4xVeh",
- "_links": {
- "application": {
}, - "evidence": {
}, - "adjustment_transfers": {
Upload a file as evidence for a Dispute
Single Evidence object
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
curl -X POST '' \ -u USfdccsr1Z5iVbXDyYt7hjZZ:313636f3-fac2-45a7-bff7-a334b93e7bda \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \ -F "file=@evidence.jpeg"
{- "id": "DFvJbk7HS3p1LEoQpViJJSCB",
- "created_at": "2024-12-17T07:35:17.32Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-12-17T07:35:17.32Z",
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "state": "PENDING",
- "tags": {
- "file-extension": ".jpg",
- "content-type": "image/jpeg",
- "file-name": "evidence.jpg"
}, - "_links": {
Retrieve a list of dispute evidence for a Dispute
For details on how to query endpoints using the available parameters, see Query Parameters.
List of Evidence objects
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
curl "" \ -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \ -u USfdccsr1Z5iVbXDyYt7hjZZ:313636f3-fac2-45a7-bff7-a334b93e7bda
{- "_embedded": {
- "evidences": [
- {
- "id": "DFujEkQdyK1TGchmPuduvMeg",
- "created_at": "2024-12-17T05:48:29.59Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-12-17T05:48:30.35Z",
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "state": "SUCCEEDED",
- "tags": {
- "file-extension": ".jpeg",
- "content-type": "image/jpeg",
- "file-name": "test_file.jpeg"
}, - "_links": {
}, - {
- "id": "DFdEdexaPHqyVnwiNvfdx7az",
- "created_at": "2024-12-17T05:41:23.79Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-12-17T05:41:24.52Z",
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "state": "SUCCEEDED",
- "tags": {
- "file-extension": ".jpeg",
- "content-type": "image/jpeg",
- "file-name": "test_file.jpeg"
}, - "_links": {
}, - "_links": {
- "self": {
}, - "page": {
- "limit": 100,
- "next_cursor": "DFdEdexaPHqyVnwiNvfdx7az"
Fetch evidence uploaded for a Dispute
If you don't have the Finix Dashboard available, you can fetch the evidence to review the state
of the upload to confirm the evidence got sent to the processor.
Single Evidence object
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
curl "" \ -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \ -u USfdccsr1Z5iVbXDyYt7hjZZ:313636f3-fac2-45a7-bff7-a334b93e7bda
{- "id": "DFvJbk7HS3p1LEoQpViJJSCB",
- "created_at": "2024-12-17T07:35:17.32Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-12-17T07:35:17.32Z",
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "state": "PENDING",
- "tags": {
- "file-extension": ".jpg",
- "content-type": "image/jpeg",
- "file-name": "evidence.jpg"
}, - "_links": {
Update tags on Dispute
Finix-Version | string Default: 2018-01-01 Specify the API version of your request. For more details, see Versioning. Example: 2022-02-01 |
required | object or null Include up to 50
Single Evidence object
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
{- "id": "DFvJbk7HS3p1LEoQpViJJSCB",
- "created_at": "2024-12-17T07:35:17.32Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-12-17T07:35:17.32Z",
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "state": "PENDING",
- "tags": {
- "file-extension": ".jpeg",
- "content-type": "image/jpeg",
- "file-name": "evidence.jpeg",
- "order_number": "41BFASJSAKAS"
}, - "_links": {
List the adjustment Transfers
for a Dispute
. Depending on the stage of the Dispute
, different adjustment Transfer
subtypes can be applied.
There are four available subtypes for adjustment Transfers
in Disputes
List of adjustment_transfer objects
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
curl "" \ -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \ -u USfdccsr1Z5iVbXDyYt7hjZZ:313636f3-fac2-45a7-bff7-a334b93e7bda
{- "_embedded": {
- "transfers": [
- {
- "id": "TRv7QRfEZ6UPqkfJjkV4UJdW",
- "created_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:33.22Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-12-18T05:22:09.39Z",
- "additional_buyer_charges": null,
- "additional_healthcare_data": null,
- "additional_purchase_data": null,
- "address_verification": null,
- "amount": 888888,
- "amount_requested": 888888,
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "currency": "USD",
- "destination": null,
- "externally_funded": "FALSE",
- "failure_code": null,
- "failure_message": null,
- "fee": 0,
- "idempotency_id": null,
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "merchant_identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "messages": [ ],
- "operation_key": null,
- "parent_transfer": null,
- "parent_transfer_trace_id": null,
- "raw": null,
- "ready_to_settle_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:33.75Z",
- "receipt_last_printed_at": null,
- "security_code_verification": null,
- "source": null,
- "split_transfers": [ ],
- "state": "SUCCEEDED",
- "statement_descriptor": null,
- "subtype": "PLATFORM_CREDIT",
- "tags": { },
- "tip_amount": null,
- "trace_id": "89fb3e71-3f8b-4a39-ae4a-4ac021580c84",
- "type": "DISPUTE",
- "_links": {
- "application": {
}, - "merchant_identity": {
}, - "payment_instruments": {
}, - "disputed_transfer": {
}, - "fee_profile": {
}, - {
- "id": "TR6354QZvL8DVZ5QTeKFhKEB",
- "created_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:33.22Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-12-18T05:22:09.39Z",
- "additional_buyer_charges": null,
- "additional_healthcare_data": null,
- "additional_purchase_data": null,
- "address_verification": null,
- "amount": 888888,
- "amount_requested": 888888,
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "currency": "USD",
- "destination": "PIdrjH4c7CceuhjnmjjVxRwx",
- "externally_funded": "FALSE",
- "failure_code": null,
- "failure_message": null,
- "fee": 0,
- "idempotency_id": null,
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "merchant_identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "messages": [ ],
- "operation_key": null,
- "parent_transfer": null,
- "parent_transfer_trace_id": null,
- "raw": null,
- "ready_to_settle_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:33.67Z",
- "receipt_last_printed_at": null,
- "security_code_verification": null,
- "source": null,
- "split_transfers": [ ],
- "state": "SUCCEEDED",
- "statement_descriptor": null,
- "subtype": "MERCHANT_DEBIT",
- "tags": { },
- "tip_amount": null,
- "trace_id": "00fc0100-419b-4469-bb7f-61c4b3b48fe9",
- "type": "DISPUTE",
- "_links": {
- "application": {
}, - "merchant_identity": {
}, - "payment_instruments": {
}, - "disputed_transfer": {
}, - "destination": {
}, - "fee_profile": {
}, - "page": {
- "limit": 100,
- "next_cursor": "TR6354QZvL8DVZ5QTeKFhKEB"
You can manually submit evidence to the issuing bank to manually move a dispute forward. Use the /disputes/DISPUTE_ID/submit
endpoint to submit evidence. Making a POST request lets the issuing bank know the seller has completed submitting evidence and is prepared to move forward with the dispute.
Related guides: Responding to Disputes.
Accept | string Default: application/hal+json |
Finix-Version | string Default: 2018-01-01 Specify the API version of your request. For more details, see Versioning. Example: 2022-02-01 |
Single Dispute object
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
The server understood the request but could not process it.
curl "" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -u USfdccsr1Z5iVbXDyYt7hjZZ:313636f3-fac2-45a7-bff7-a334b93e7bda \ -d ' { "note": "Submitting Dispute Evidence: Valid Reason" }'
{- "id": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "created_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:33.63Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-10T13:17:32.08Z",
- "action": null,
- "amount": 888888,
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute_details": {
- "arn": "123"
}, - "evidence_submitted": "CHARGEBACK",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "message": null,
- "occurred_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:32.99Z",
- "reason": "FRAUD",
- "respond_by": "2023-12-01T13:04:33.60Z",
- "response_state": "ACCEPTED",
- "state": "WON",
- "tags": { },
- "transfer": "TRm2U5wQo5S2UBdVJo4xVeh",
- "_links": {
- "application": {
}, - "evidence": {
}, - "adjustment_transfers": {
You can accept a Dispute
to prevent a long (and potentially expensive) process. When you accept a Dispute
, you concede that the Dispute is not worth challenging or representing.
Related guides: Accepting a Dispute
Single Dispute object
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
The server understood the request but could not process it.
curl "" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \ -u USfdccsr1Z5iVbXDyYt7hjZZ:313636f3-fac2-45a7-bff7-a334b93e7bda \ -d ' { "note": "Accepting Dispute: Valid Reason" }'
{- "id": "DIkigGVrJPjDyAXejvvKXv9e",
- "created_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:33.63Z",
- "updated_at": "2024-09-10T13:17:32.08Z",
- "action": null,
- "amount": 888888,
- "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
- "dispute_details": {
- "arn": "123"
}, - "evidence_submitted": "CHARGEBACK",
- "identity": "ID4sanuCPqjmkmP4Q3Shkvww",
- "merchant": "MUcvYR7tboSRejbVzHJSjXct",
- "message": null,
- "occurred_at": "2023-11-24T13:04:32.99Z",
- "reason": "FRAUD",
- "respond_by": "2023-12-01T13:04:33.60Z",
- "response_state": "ACCEPTED",
- "state": "WON",
- "tags": { },
- "transfer": "TRm2U5wQo5S2UBdVJo4xVeh",
- "_links": {
- "application": {
}, - "evidence": {
}, - "adjustment_transfers": {
Download a file uploaded as Dispute Evidence
Note: The file extension included in output
must match the extension of the original uploaded file.
Example response
Authentication information is missing or invalid
Object does not exist
Not Acceptable
curl "" \ -H "Finix-Version: 2022-02-01" \ -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \ --output DFs8wyzCGCNWnJTUXZ65cL8T.jpg